Manual Muscle Testing

What is manual muscle testing?
Manual muscle testing helps to diagnose structural and muscular imbalances in the body. The basic idea is that for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction. Muscle testing consists of a person contracting a muscle then having the tester apply resistance against that muscle to test for its strength. If the person can not hold against the resistance, the muscle is weak.
How will manual muscle testing help with how the body functions?
When muscles in your body weaken it forces other muscles to take over. This creates compensations and misalignments throughout the body. Because these compensations alter movement patterns of your body they can then lead to injury, even from the smallest movement like bending over to pick up a straw from the floor.
When most people workout, they work their body equally (right vs left, inner quads vs outer quads, etc). This causes the muscles to hold onto the dysfunctional movement pattern. When you have your muscles tested, your will know which muscles are weakened. This will give your and your doctor at Muscle & Joint Clinic the knowledge of where to focus restorative exercises. This restores proper alignment and function.

What should I do after I have had my muscle testing?
Your doctor at Muscle & Joint Clinic will discuss with you which muscles are not firing correctly. You will then be progressed through appropriate exercises to strengthen and retrain the weakened muscles. You will still be working out both sides, however emphasis will be placed on strengthening and restoring healthy movement patterns. One example of the tools used at Muscle & Joint Clinic is Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization. As you progress, we will change your restorative workout program to firmly ingrain the correct muscle firing patterns.