Scar Tissue

Why You Get It
The more complex the joint system, the more likely it is to become painful. For example, the low back is comprised of 9 bones, 15 joints, and over 40 muscles. All of these bones, joints, and muscles must synchronize to have fluid, pain-free motion. Otherwise, if they do not coordinate properly, muscles become overused, tight, and sore.
The body recognizes this aggravated situation. So to conserve its resources and not expend precious energy, the body begins to lay down scar tissue to reduce the amount of energy needed by these overused muscles. This often accumulates slowly, over months and years. The gradual loss of function is not readily noticed since the process is slow.
Scar tissue alters the function of the muscles and surrounding joints. Altered biomechanics, especially in the body, is rarely a good thing. While these altered mechanics may save energy and resources in the short-term, over the long haul it makes the body more susceptible to injury and permanently alters the joints with arthritis. Releasing the scarred tissue and restoring normal function is vital to becoming pain-free.
Scar Tissue: Learn More
The following one-minute video includes information about scar tissue, including how it develops, the problems it causes, and how we treat it at Muscle & Joint Clinic.

Muscle & Joint Clinic can help you restore normal function by releasing scar tissue in your body. It can be removed in three ways: compression (Active Release Techniques, Graston/FAKTR, and Therapeutic Massage) decompression (cupping), and vibration (Shockwave Therapy), depending upon the type and location of the tissue. We often use a combination of these therapies to provide the most effective outcomes.
To schedule an appointment or learn more, call our office at 415-488-5372.