Shockwave Therapy

What is Shockwave Therapy?
Shockwave Therapy is a sound-based method of breaking up scar tissue. This sends highly focused sound waves into the areas of your body identified to have scar tissue build-up. Those sound waves are set at a frequency that specifically targets and breaks down scar tissue. Scar tissue is what causes people to stiffen after trauma and with aging.
Our bodies form scar tissue from little injuries (poor posture, repetitive stress, holding children, etc.) to big ones (car accidents, falls, etc.). Scar tissue accumulates over time, just like plaque on teeth, limiting movement and causing pain. When you break up the scar tissue you can restore movement – and the pain disappears.
Revolutionary Pain and Performance Enhancement Therapy
- Pain relief
- Increased mobility
- Improved circulation
- Tennis elbow
- Plantar fasciitis
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Achilles tendinopathy
- Runner’s knee
- Shoulder pain
- Trigger points
- Patella (knee cap) pain
- Morton’s Neuroma
- Shin splints
- Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome
- Golfer’s elbow
- Hamstrings Tendonitis

RESTORE Muscle Strength
Muscle & Joint Clinic is proud to be the first clinic in Northern California to offer shockwave therapy. We are experts in shockwave therapy, having taught seminars to professionals and presented to a multitude of groups. Muscle & Joint Clinic worked closely with Richard Wolf, Germany’s largest medical device manufacturer, to develop a treatment and training manual.
Marin has the longest life expectancy of any county in the United States, with high levels of activity being cited as one of the key reasons for this longevity. Muscle & Joint Clinic has provided shockwave to Marin County longer than any healthcare provider.
To schedule an appointment or learn more, call our office at 415-488-5372.